Adaptive Learning

Adaptive Learning brings the concept of data-driven instruction to a new level. Creating learning experiences that adjust based on the individual responses of the learner is the ultimate way to provide feedback in real time and allowing for the content to adjust to the level necessary in order to create individualized instruction. Breakthroughs is predictive analytic algorithms have made it possible to create learning modules based on granular learning objectives that can assess the content the learner already knows and steer the instruction towards where the deficits are. When combined with traditional classroom instruction, it can be a powerful tool to accelerate learning, especially for those who would be otherwise left behind. In the corporate world of employee training, it allows the learner to focus on mastery of what they need to know now rather than spending time with content they already know, which can be frustrating and seen as a waste of employees’ valuable time.

In the context of my Signature assignment, I would probably need to break down the learning objectives even more, creating a path for those who already have prior knowledge to move forward more quickly, and those with limited experience to get more in-depth instruction, so that when the cohort meets up for the week-long classroom portion of the course, it will be more likely that all are at the same level to begin.